Category: Garden

Winter Garden Bursts Through in Berkshire Landscapes

Confusion about hydrangeas in the garden

  Why aren’t they blooming? Why are they pink when I want blue? When do I prune? Well, the link below from Proven Winners tells all including when to have patience. Now of course, plants don’t always read gardening books so if you have hydrangeas that are not behaving     give them more light, water, …

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Prune Time: Get in the Garden Now

Pruning & Snow – You betcha! The great thing about having snow on the ground means I could reach high up into apple trees when I was out in the garden pruning this week. The experience also ramped up my fantasies; after a long winter, there is nothing like a landscape filled with pink, white, …

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I Love Gardening in a Berkshire Winter

I LOVE WINTER! I know that’s a sin in some circles, but in winter, all my gardens are perfect – no weeds, no bugs, just a white wonder. I can also walk my woods without fear of Lyme disease, which I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had it. Seed and nursery catalogs …

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CMC Manor – a New Landscape Design Project in the Berkshires

  This linkis to a new group in the Berkshires who have restored Mepal Manor, a Berkshire Cottage and Italian-style villa in New Marlborough, and are bringing a new kind of residential help to the Berkshires for people with substance abuse issues. I am thrilled to be working on the landscape design aspect of this …

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Warm Berkshire Words

It was in the low 20 degrees today, and I was missing working in the garden, but then was warmed by this note from a special lady! I enjoyed it so much and feel so energized for all the projects that now lie ahead. I can’t tell you how reassuring it is to have someone …

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Stick with Karen in the Garden- Azalea

Azalea ‘Karen’ is one of my favorites…the name is a coincidence……This wonderful shrub lasts a long time, thrives in our Berkshire winters, and is maintenance free. The magenta flowers jump out, particularly against white plants such as Dicentra Alba (white bleeding heart). I also love it, because the way it feels like an impressionist painting. …

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A New Garden for a Great Client

Low maintenance, natural looking, and color. For low maintenance we filled the area with perennials, groundcovers, shrubs, and trees. We also took down a a very sickly spruce that was block the view of the garden from a terrace.

Linda Pastan’s Garden & More Poem

April By Linda Pastan  A whole new freshman class of leaves has arrived on the dark twisted branches we call our woods, turning green now – color of anticipation. In my 76th year, I know what time and weather will do to every leaf. But the camellia swells to ivory at the window, and the …

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First Day of Spring in the Garden

Gardeners woke up and groaned throughout the northeast on this first day of spring.  Just when we were celebrating the emergence of daffodils leaves, winter aconite flowers, snow drops, and a chance to do the glorious job of spring cleaning.  It snowed. I was scheduled to do apple tree pruning. I drowned my sorrows on …

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